Thursday, August 6, 2009

What is Anxiety Attack?

What is Anxiety Attack?

An Anxiety Attack is an unexpected onset of intense anxiety, characterized by feelings of intense fear and accompanied by agitation, difficulty with breathing, sweating, and trembling. They come from nowhere and may produce grim reactions to the sufferer - and there isn't any way of knowing when it's going to happen or where.

What Causes an Anxiety Attack?

Anxiety is when we feel nervous about a situation that is real or imaginary and it is a natural thing for us to feel because it is part of the fight-or-flight mechanism that helps us to survive. This response protects us - it does not harm us. It makes our minds and bodies prepared to flee from or eliminate what is threatening us.

But sometimes our minds overreact and interpret it as something it's not, and the result is a panic attack. Too much stress can bring on the fight-or-flight reply, although it's not important to the particular situation. The stress can be life stress, for example losing your job, the passing of a family member, the breakup of a relationship, exams or promotion troubles ; or it may be due to physical factors such as too much kick - too much caffeine, alcohol or sugar, for example, or too high an exposure to artificial lightning. Unresolved emotional issues might also be the cause.

So your body goes into fight-or-flight mode. Blood is directed away from your toes and fingers so that more is available to the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. Your heart starts to pump faster to extend the blood flow to these organs. It needs more fuel - air - to do that, so your lungs work harder to get more oxygen into the body quickly . In other words, you experience insensibility, tingling feelings, shaking, a pounding heart, 'labored' breathing... There are many more reactions in the middle, all with physical signs. If there's no true danger and these things are going down anyway, your mind starts to look for physical causes - are you dying? Are you being strangled? Is a problem with your heart? Or maybe it is your mind that is diseased? It is looking out for a reason for this, so it understands the easy way to react.

What are the Anxiety Attack Symptoms?

Fear that is exaggerated is a common anxiety attack symptom. While fear is considered to be a legitimate feeling, in many scenarios it could just be fake evidence appearing real. To paraphrase, an individual becomes paralyzed by matters that have not begun to prove themselves negative. As an example, the thought of crossing a bridge can put an individual on edge. However, the changes of this actually taking place are terribly slim to almost none.

Excessive tiredness is another common anxiety attack symptom. This means an individual isn't in a position to get their proper sleep at night. When this happens, a person puts themselves on a grave yard shift of worry, panic, and fear of over scenarios they can not control. Sleep deprivation happens because the mind has been overworked. If this continues, it might cause one's health to be negatively affected, as our bodies need 6 to eight hours of correct rest.

Headaches and muscle strain can be an anxiety attack symptom. If an individual is excessively worried or nervous about a situation, it will at last affect the nervous system of the body. Studies have shown that when the brain is overpowered with destructive thoughts, it releases signals throughout the body that are poisonous. Poisonous thoughts can lead to agony, stress, and sickness in the human body.

Skin disruptions can be an anxiety attack symptom. A person can be so worried, afraid, or concerned about a situation that they start to breakout with hives. These are visible reddish swellings that appear on the face, back, and arms. A person can also become pale, blue in the face, or extremely sweaty when their assurance is threatened by uncomfortable circumstances.

Other agitation common attack symptoms can include stomach pain, cramping, revulsion and vomiting, over the top journeys to the toilet and consistent fear in conversation. These symptoms have been identified for the purpose of gaining knowledge and finding remedies for anxiety attack symptoms.

How can we Stop Anxiety Attack? - Anxiety Attack Cure

Most people will benefit most from a program that includes several differing types of treatment for the nervousness. Depending on the specifics of your disorder and symptoms, some of the following possible choices could work for you.

  • Medication

    This is usually the 1st sort of treatment folks receive, often as it is easy for doctors to prescribe and move on to the next patient. There are a number of different medicines that may be used to treat anxiousness, but mostly they are not the only kind of treatment you must consider.

    Any sort of medicine is probably going to come with other side effects that for some folk make them even worse than just suffering the anxiety to begin with. For others, a medicine might be just what the doctor ordered.

  • Therapy

    Working out deeper issues that could be causing some of the uneasiness on a deeper level takes a little more time, but could definitely pay off in the future. This option is usually mixed with medicine so immediate relief can be felt.

  • Relaxation

    There is now solid proof that relaxing the body and mind on a once a day basis can seriously reduce the effects of foreboding and panic. Making the effort to do breathing exercises or adding yoga to your exercise routine might be a fine addition to your other courses of treatment.

    In fact, there are numerous folk now arguing that relaxation therapies can generate results just as useful as many medications.

  • Alternative Therapies

    There are some non-traditional treatments that many folk are finding to be of great help with anxiety issues. While these are not techniques that could be advocated by your physician, you may consider some possible choices as deserving inclusions in your life.

    One of the most efficient alternative treatments is hypnosis. This is a way to train your brain to think and act in more appropriate ways and it has the backing of a rising number of people who have seen some success.

The crucial thing is not to lose hope and know that there are several folk out there who like you, also be afflicted by these categories of attacks. Chances are, your anxiety attack definition is commoner than you might think.

You don't have to suffer from anxiety attacks all your life. Click the link below to discover a SAFE, EFFECTIVE and NATURAL way to stop your anxiety attacks!


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